We were thrilled to be visited by HSBC today for some Financial Education Workshops!

YR took part in a workshop called "The Treasure Hunt," which introduced pupils to different coins and their values. Pupils then did some coin rubbing, which was great fun!

Year 1/2 took part in a workshop called "To Buy or Not to Buy", which helped pupils understand the difference between needs and wants.

Y3/4 took part in a workshop called "Keeping a Record," which focused on a birthday party and working to a budget.

Y5/6 took part in a workshop called "Savvy Shopping," which supported pupils to understand the 'best deal', looking beyond sales offers and working out whether or not they are indeed good value for money!

Pupils very much enjoyed their workshops and all were awarded with a certificate for their participation.

Financial Education is so important and learning about the use of money in a practical and every day context, staff kept saying "we wish we'd had this when we were at school!"

Thank you so much to Claire at HSBC for organising! We are looking forward to our next workshop in July!


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